Tag Archives: @DCComics

Review Batgirl #17

16 Feb


Something Old, Something New, Something borrowed, Something better?

So, here we are, sans Gail Simone. I expected to be outraged, disappointed, and then finish off my pout by feeling an intense sense of relief that Simone would return to the title soon.

Instead, I read the book and realized what BATGIRL has been missing. Fawkes’ third person narration stuck me as emotionally rich and thought provoking. This story, told from the perspective of James Gordon, Junior, made me do two things I haven’t done when I read the title in the past: think and feel.

It’s really not fair to compare this issue to what Gail Simone has been doing on the book. It’s such a departure, residing inside the mind of a villainous character, and only partially concerned with Barbara’s self-affirming internal pep talks. When James, Jr. tells us that Barbara is ‘fascinating,’ it’s the first time in a while that I have considered that a possibility in a long while.


I love Barbara, but recently I feel our relationship has devolved to one of those where I take her calls because imagining what happens if I don’t makes me very anxious. I listen to her talk about the same old things over and over, trying to seem interested—even though we’ve been over this and she is clearly making no progress. She never asks me how I feel about important issues, or makes me think about things in a different way. My love for her is very one-sided; I am not getting a lot out of the time we spend together. I expect at member of the Bat-team to be a bit more complex than the Barbara we have been presented with thus far.

This issue was very successful. It had a clear rise and fall in action. The twists and turns were thoughtful and surprising; and the voice used to tell the story was genuinely inspired and original.


Sampere’s artwork is dynamic and visually appealing. I would love to see him stay on the book, I really love the way he draws Barbara. His representation of The Firebug helped characterize the villain even though he only appears in a few panels. The medals on his chest tell us that he was not always a menace, but in a past life might have even been a hero.


The highlight of the issue for me was the large panel featuring James, Jr. sitting on a hotel bed in the dark. He looks just like his father here. The clear nod to BATMAN: YEAR ONE reminded me of everything the Gordon family has been through, and how truly horrifying it must be for Barbara and the commissioner to see their own flesh and blood as a force of evil. This scene had real resonance.


This issue by Fawkes and Sampere was thoroughly successful. I am interested to find out what happens next month. Perhaps in the myriad of Bat-titles, one focusing on James, Junior could support its own weight. I’ll stick by Barbara and Simone, for all they have done to promote strong women in comics and female readership; I just hope to see ‘something better’ soon. If anyone can realize the full potential of BATGIRL, I believe it is Simone. I will be waiting and reading in the highest hopes that she will do so.

Follow me on twitter @comicsonice

Review of Green Arrow #17

7 Feb


Green Arrow #17 by Jeff Lemire and Andrea Sorrentino published by DC Comics

At first glance, the seventeenth issue of a title I have not been reading should hold no interest for me, but the creative switch up caught my attention. I am so glad I picked up this book.

Sorrentino’s artwork soars. Removed from the darkness of the I, Vampire series and thrust under the fluorescent lights of Queen Industries; Sorrentino’s work retains that same ineffable foreboding quality we have seen in the past.


This art is on par with the best in the industry. Through layered frames and unique layouts he builds a tense pulsing rhythm for the melody of Lemire’s writing to play over.

Lemire is systematically scrapping the infrastructure he inherited. He has big plans for Oliver, and they start with stripping away nearly everything he regained at the launch of The New 52. It is important to realize that Sorrentino’s art reaches the height it does because it is perfectly paired with Lemire’s methodically plotted action. I love what they have created together.

The issue ends as a sightless character tells Oliver that he was never supposed to leave the island. Oh, Mr. Lemire, what do you have in store for us? I for one cannot wait to find out.

A brief aside, if you were able to read the sentence, “You were never supposed to leave the island!” not in the voice of Jack Shephard you are a better fan than I.


Hats off guys, this issue is full of promise and possibility.

Follow me on Twitter @comicsonice

Get this issue here:


Also I am willing to bet this is going to be important.


Review of Batman: The Dark Knight 16

2 Feb


This is the Batman horror comic, and the tone, art, and subject matter taken on by the creative team do a great job reminding us of that.

Ethan Van Sciver draws like a dream. Batman’s intensity is evident in every panel in which he appears. The two page spread set around piano keys is innovative, thoughtful, and beautiful; its truly inspired. While I will miss David Finch’s almost baroque touches on the book (not to mention finding the occasional reproduction of Carravaggio’s greatest works in the background) I trust Van Scriver completely after this issue.

Gregg Hurwitz takes his time settling into this new story arc. The exposition is filled with outright action for Batman as well as personal conflict for Bruce. He must also be given due credit for writing a smart, self assured female character in Natalya (Bruce’s [ex?] love interest). Hurwitz’s Alfred is full of the paternal love and humor, he serves as a brilliant reminder of Bruce’s humanity.

As for the Mad Hatter himself, he’s truly diabolical and unhinged. His depravity comes through in Hurwitz’s writing. You can almost hear the screechy put-on British accent in the word balloons. I cannot wait to spend more time with the dastardly haberdasher as the story unfolds. The only reason I cannot say the book was perfect, is that I wanted a bit more villain; but if I know Hurwitz, that is exactly what is to come.

Follow me on Twitter @comicsonice